I can’t believe its me who is thinking what I am thinking - I am unhappy for another person’s achievement! Me?! I don’t do that!! No! It is not really the achievement. That is no matter. I think what affects me is - that nervous excitement in applying to a place where one in fact stands a chance of getting through. That filling up of forms and writing SOPs and putting your best foot forward all the while hearing your supporters cheering your victory in your head. That tingling anxiety in the stomach while waiting for the application to be processed and making it sound like no big deal to all sundry who ask about it. That final moment of reckoning when the heart sinks into the stomach, the forehead is smeared with perspiration and the heart beats terrifyingly fast while you key in your roll number. You want that god damn result, alright. But. But, you need some time to go to it. However, that would be no more than the time it would take to key in those 8 digits. With ...
Macavity's a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw-- For he's the master criminal who can defy the Law. He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad's despair: For when they reach the scene of crime--Macavity's not there!